Make An Appointment
Making an appointment is fast, easy and fun!
If you need to cancel or reschedule, Please give us 24 hours notice in order to avoid being charged for this session. We are eager and happy to serve you and we respect and value your time. Please do the same for us.
PLEASE NOTE: Hours vary depending on each individual Practitioner’s schedule.
Urgencies? We accommodate for ‘urgencies’ to the best of our ability. Please call to see if there are same day possibilities not listed online: 203.874.3096.
Covid 19 screening and intake form
Our Cancellation Policy
Your appointment time is reserved solely for you, and your therapist is being compensated ONLY WHEN YOU ARRIVE for your scheduled time. If you cancel or reschedule with sufficient notice can we refill your time with another client. We must therefore request that you provide more than 24 hours notice (or that you send a friend or relative in your place). Otherwise, we will charge you for the session. Credit card information is required for new clients whom schedule with us. THIS IS TO HOLD YOUR TIME SLOT. WE DO NOT CHARGE the card until after your session has been completed, should you choose a different form of payment.